FUT | Follicular Unit Transfer

FUT Hair Transplant Therapy

Happy Mature Man With Hands Folded after Hair Loss TreatmentFUT is a process that allows the surgeon to use a strip of tissue to restore healthy hair follicles where they are needed. Dr. Williams recommends this method for hair restoration, particularly in cases of advanced hair loss, as it produces the best results for restoring fuller hair.

The Follicular Unit Transfer Process

Dr. Williams performs follicular unit transfers (FUT) utilizing a narrow, superficial strip of skin. Hair follicles are transferred in natural groupings of 1-4 hairs taken from the back of the scalp. The follicles are easily identified and protected with individual dissection under stereoscopic microscopes.

Smaller 1-2 hair grafts are required in the hair line, but larger 3-4 hair grafts offer additional density in the top and crown regions. The procedure allows for large numbers of grafts (3,000 to 4,500) to be placed in one day. A team of assistants are dissecting the grafts from the strip while Dr. Williams closes
the donor incision and creates the recipient sites in the balding areas. Once the grafts are prepared, placement into the recipient sites can be efficiently accomplished by the team. The hair in the donor areas covers the incision while healing occurs.

Trained surgeons like Dr. Williams are comfortable performing this “glorified” skin biopsy without concern that an unsightly scar will result. He believes that understanding surgical wound healing and how to not “over do it” is the solution to preventing unacceptable scars.

Advantages of the Follicular Unit Transfer Procedure

  • Shaving back & sides of scalp not necessary for procedure
  • More grafts (follicles) can be transferred in one procedure
  • Closed linear incision hidden under existing hair
  • Less expensive
  • Far less scar overall
  • Can have FUT & FUE in one procedure for largest graft transfer possible

Disadvantages of the FUT Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Linear scar but not significant with Dr. Williams’ procedure
  • Sutures (stitches) or clips must be removed in 7-10 days from your hair loss surgery

Cost of Follicular Unit Transfer Procedure

The cost of the Follicular Unit Transfer or FUT procedure varies on a patient by patient basis. To receive a personal evaluation, schedule a consultation, with Dr. Williams.